

Our goal is to leave the world a better place so our children can breathe, trust their leaders and not be saddled with debt they didn’t create.


We all benefit when steps are taken to sustain and respect our natural resources, or when leaders can be trusted to do what is right, like getting our country out of debt. Candidates should be elected based on their qualifications and what they stand for,and not because they managed to raise the most money.

We are all victims of greed. Greed destroys our planet for profit and it adds to our national debt at $15,273.00 per second in interest alone. Greed allows government officials to be be elected based on how much they raise, not how qualified they are. If things continue the way they are, it will take our grandchildren 50 years to pay the interest on our debt alone on our national debt, presuming they have a planet to live on.

We’ve all seen that our leaders cannot agree on anything that is of constructive benefit to us, the people. It is up to us to take the lead that will truly build a better tomorrow.

Can Your Government Leaders Pass This Test?

  1. Support only sustainable, environmentally friendly practices
  2. Stop adding to the debt clock for future generations
  3. Support campaign finance reform

It doesn’t matter what political party you support or what one your leaders represent. Every government official should be able to answer yes to all three criteria, and if they don’t, then they do not believe in a better tomorrow, today.

One leader cannot do it all, but we must hold all leaders accountable to do their part.