
If you want to get involved and learn how we can work together to create A Better Tomorrow Today, we would love to hear from you.

Our planet may not be here for our children’s children, but our national debt will be, thanks in part to those we put in office.

It’s time to clean the mess up by focusing on three basic areas:

All Americans have a stake in our planet,
our people and our policies.

Help Us Work Together

We all benefit when steps are taken to sustain and respect our natural resources, or when leaders can be trusted to do what is right, like getting our country out of debt. Candidates should be elected based on their qualifications and what they stand for, and not because they have the most donations.

We are all victims of greed—greed that destroys our planet for profit, greed that adds to our national debt at $15,273.00 per second (and that’s just the interest) and the greed that elects government officials by how much they raise, not how qualified they are. If things continue the way they are, it will take our children’s children 50 years to pay the interest alone on our national debt, and that would be presuming they have a planet to live on.

We’ve all seen that our leaders cannot agree on anything that is of constructive benefit to us, the people. It is up to us to take the lead that will truly build a better tomorrow.

3 Simple Questions Make a World of Difference

How to Help

Our Planet, People, and Policies need everyone to work together. If you want to get involved and learn how we can work together to create A Better Tomorrow Today, we would love to hear from you.

It's going to take all of us working together. Sign up to learn more and stay up-to-date on our progress.